Saturday, July 18, 2009

one month later...

i can't believe I wrote last on here one month ago - I'm down 5 more pounds to 183 - doesn't seem that great when you look at it that way, but i definitely look a lot different. I'm working hard- working out at least 2 hours a day, 6 days a week (I do light cardio on Sunday). I survived a 2 week vacation - and my birthday, which has always been excuse to do what I want.
It's hard to see it come off so slowly. I'm averaging about 2 pounds a week overall, but I just feel like it should be dropping off. I do know the inches are- and I should focus on that? I'm wearing Large instead of XL or XXL in most things. I feel 500 times better, energy and strength-wise. I don't think I could be doing much more than I am without completely killing myself. Already I ache at night and in the morning- tired ankles and other muscles. I really worked on weight training this week- resistance work. I can feel muscles in my butt that I didn't know were there- and my shoulders- they may never work the same again. :)
I'll try and post some pics soon- they are very different from when I started- there is just such a long way to go! i figured out my goal wasn't low enough. To be in my ideal weight range I need to get to 144 - so that's the new goal. I can do it!? I'm just grumpy I think. I've accomplished a lot- just want more!