Saturday, July 18, 2009

one month later...

i can't believe I wrote last on here one month ago - I'm down 5 more pounds to 183 - doesn't seem that great when you look at it that way, but i definitely look a lot different. I'm working hard- working out at least 2 hours a day, 6 days a week (I do light cardio on Sunday). I survived a 2 week vacation - and my birthday, which has always been excuse to do what I want.
It's hard to see it come off so slowly. I'm averaging about 2 pounds a week overall, but I just feel like it should be dropping off. I do know the inches are- and I should focus on that? I'm wearing Large instead of XL or XXL in most things. I feel 500 times better, energy and strength-wise. I don't think I could be doing much more than I am without completely killing myself. Already I ache at night and in the morning- tired ankles and other muscles. I really worked on weight training this week- resistance work. I can feel muscles in my butt that I didn't know were there- and my shoulders- they may never work the same again. :)
I'll try and post some pics soon- they are very different from when I started- there is just such a long way to go! i figured out my goal wasn't low enough. To be in my ideal weight range I need to get to 144 - so that's the new goal. I can do it!? I'm just grumpy I think. I've accomplished a lot- just want more!

Friday, June 19, 2009


188 yo! Too exciting, I must say. I'm beginning to really crave the exercise, enjoy it. And I'm getting good at cooking healthy- yummy stuff. Today I beat my swimming goal by a lot. My top number of laps was 16, today I did 27. Woot! Love it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Almost goodby to the 190s...

190 even today... hip hip hooray!

walked this morning, then did 20 on the ellyptical, a yoga class (which consisted of me, the instructor and 2 middle aged guys), and swam. I'm kind of pooped now.

And I SURVIVED the potluck! I didn't take everything and just took very small portions of what I did take. Lots of carrot sticks... Lots and lots of carrot sticks...

tomorrow I'm going to rest some in the afternoon. I think I need it. I'll still walk in the morning, zumba in the evening, and possibly do something light in the afternoon...

I think I'm getting hooked on working out - it's fun!

Monday, June 15, 2009


190.4 :)

It is slow going, but it's going... right?

Today was so busy I just got to do Zumba and 30 minutes on the Wii - plus I ate kind of a big dinner... shoot... but i'm still over exercise to eating calories, so I'm okay with it.

Tomorrow freaks me out. There's a potluck lunch. At least it's lunch, so I can figure out the damage and then workout like crazy in the evening? I hate that I fear food still. I'm working on it...

Sunday, June 14, 2009


190.8 the last two days. I'm okay with that because it's that "time of the month" and I usually gain a few and haven't. I worked out pretty hard the last few days so I am so excited to have a rest day today. I've read lots and lots of online articles on taking a rest day and eating to maintenance calories every now and then and so today should be a good day. I am probably going to take Ethan swimming at the gym this afternoon, but that doesn't count as a workout, so it's okay :)
Tomorrow starts summer school so I have realized that three a days probably aren't realistic. I think I'm going to aim for 2 a day and then if I can get in a third workout, great - if not, no big deal.
I hate that it's so slow. I wish I had taken measurements because I know that has changed. Oh well... onward we go :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009


A little up today - 191.2
I know I shouldn't be suprised or upset, it's a mere .4 lbs, but it's frustrating, you know?
I didn't work out too much yesterday as it was a rest day, so today I am gung ho - pretty busy, but just prioritzing the workouts over housework. So the plan is to walk a total of 5 miles, zumba, swim, and then do one of my videos tonight, not sure which one though... or EA sports if i'd rather.
I'm wearing XL shirts now~ no XX!! And I know I'm getting smaller, the weight is just slow to come off.... but it will, right? I think I'm a little PMSing too- or I need to go eat some more :) Anyway, that's the plan for the day- a busy one!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I maintained the 190.8 this morning. I'm happy with that...

Yesterday I walked 3 miles, moved furniture around, did a zumba class (better this time, less crowded and the instructor was easier to follow), swam, and then shut down :( I need to eat more earlier in the day when I do these marathon workouts- my body kind of gave out... so today the goal is to eat more early in the day...

I have to take it kind of easy today. i've worked out the last 6 days, so it needs to be a rest day. HOwever, we've decided that my official rest day will be on Sundays, so I'm still going to do some today, just not intervals or hard core strength stuff. So I walked 2 miles this morning with the dogs- who pull me all over the place, making it a good core workout :) And then this afternoon I'll either go ellyptical or swim depending on my mood. Goal #1 is to clean our house- it's bad... I think Brian and I are both avoiding it hoping the other will do it... I'm up... blech.